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August 1, 2015


Unleashing Body, Mind & Soul

A Fitness Transformation


I am a motorcycle rider and owner who due to a sudden series of unfortunate events had to endure the misery of tearing up the Anterior Cruciate Ligament of my Left Knee. The ACL Reconstruction surgery and post-operative precautions caused my entire Leg to significantly lose it's muscle mass, strength and range of motion.

Extensive physiotherapy sessions with several precautions over the course of eight months had failed to recuperate my flaccid limb to a condition where it would be able to support basic daily life movements and activities.

It was not until April 14, 2015 that I had the privilege of meeting Ms. Elena Efimova as a Professional in the formal setting of a GYM. Even though the fact that she and I were friends and Elite Bikers in the Motorcycle Community. After undergoing a meticulous discussion and contemplating assessment of my physique, physical strength and goals I signed up for a total of 40 sessions that were spread over 5 days per week with a primary bullseye targeting my injured leg.

A common misconception amongst Physiotherapists is that Bodybuilding Trainers are not aware of the appropriate Rehabilitation Procedures and Phases. Ms. Efimova is a fully fledged athlete, bodybuilder and nutrition expert who guided me through the various levels of Rehab and strengthening to articulate my detrimental condition.

Along the course of my extensive training further goals were annexed to my workout program, hence raising the level of potency and breaking through all of the Bad Habits that I have accumulated over time. For example; wrong posture, eating habits, sleeping patterns and exercise techniques were incorporate in a specifically designed program tailored to address the formerly mentioned issues. 



I began by firmly focusing on my Lower Limb (Leg). However, I soon came to realise the implication of how the Musculoskeletal Muscles function and coordinate with other areas, sections and muscle groups of my body. This awareness unraveled a quest of a self exploration to awaken hidden muscles, to regain contraction and flexion sensation of hindered muscle sections and to correctly execute each workout repetition. Which are vital in achieving my ambition to naturally develop my form while avoiding chronic pain and injuries.

If you want to be one of her candidates and trainees you must be prepared to show her three characteristic ingredients which are Discipline, Commitment and Determination. In return she will unleash your Body, Mind and Soul on a journey of total transformation into a healthy lifestyle and teach you how to push through your limitations, leading you to accomplish higher standard goals.

Finally, I consider myself one of the very few lucky individuals who are proud to call themselves members of the @elenagym society. My extravagant voyage was utterly educational, inspirational and sensational. Although there were days where pain was radiating from every inch of my body, yet the exuberance was worth every drop of Blood, Sweat and Tears.



Weight: 115 KG

Waist: 42 in


Weight: 94 KG

Waist: 36 in 




Walid M Saleh

client's achievement

Yuna Hakeem

Бронзовый призер в категории Дива Бикини (Diva Bikini) в рамках  чемпионата по натуральному бодибилдингу на Ближнем Востоке


Газета BEZ POSREDNIKOV гордится тем, что нам удалось узнать, что в Дубае живет и работает невероятно усердная и самоотверженная девушка из Киргизстана – Юна Хаким (Лещева), которая в поиске здоровой и красивой фигуры, стала бронзовым призером в категории  дива бикини (Diva Bikini) в рамках  чемпионата по натуральному бодибилдингу на Ближнем Востоке.

Юна согласилась рассказать нам о своем невообразимом личном достижении и о том, как получилось, что на трибуне не оказалось ни одного соотечественника, который бы поддержал ее в момент первого в жизни триумфа.

BP: Юна, скажите, пожалуйста, с чего началось ваше спортивное увлечение?

Юна: Мое приключение в новую жизнь началось в 2007 году, когда мой вес был 58 килограмм и, я  бросила, плавание, которое было любимым занятием моей жизни, о чем до сих пор жалею. Уже не помню, что послужило причиной  больше этого не делать - новая работа или университет. В тот момент, я сказала себе, что разберусь со всеми обстоятельствами и займусь  плаванием опять, но этого так и не случилось.

Встречи с друзьями, вечеринки, обучение новой профессии, получение опыта для будущей карьеры и полное отсутствие спорта в жизни привело меня к постоянной усталости в конце дня в уже молодом возрасте. В течение трех лет, я обещала себе заняться собой  “с понедельника” и изменить свой стиль жизни. Но мои планы увенчались очередным увеличением массы тела до 80 килограмм и пониманием, что жаловаться на себя почти бессмысленно и без действия, ни одна моя мечта, ни одно мое желание, ни одна моя цель не превратятся в реальность. 

















Когда пришло понимание, что “я” больше не “я” - человек, который хочет быть счастливым, я начала действовать и пробовать различные диеты, которые сводили меня с ума. Порой я думала, что это именно  ограничение в питании есть секрет успеха, но когда очередная диета заканчивалась, и мой вес стремительным образом возвращался обратно, стало очевидно, что следующим шагом должны быть физические нагрузки.

В течение нескольких лет я жила и работала  в Афганистане, где я безмятежная социальная жизнь в очередной раз напомнила мне о том, как важно хорошо себя чувствовать физически и душевно, чтобы быть в гармонии с самой с собой.

Я стала активно посещать спортзал с моими коллегами, придерживаться правильного питания и заниматься упражнениями дома. Я полностью отказалась от алкоголя и сигарет, что, надо отметить, мгновенно сказалось на значительном похудении. Именно там, в стране песков и диких скал, я встретила своего будущего мужа Джозефа, улыбается Юна, что, несомненно, послужило, еще одним стимулом для обретения стройной фигуры.

Мои результаты первых тренировок были на лицо. Я стала чувствовать себя лучше, мое настроение и работоспособность улучшились вдвое, мои друзья и коллеги постоянно отмечали мои успехи поддержкой и вниманием.

В Дубае, где мне предстояло доказать свою профессиональную компетентность в одной из крупных конструкторских компаний, я познакомилась с невероятным человеком, которая заставила меня поверить, что у мечты  нет предела. 

Елена Ефимова – исключительный профессиональный личный тренер школы Fitness Fusion в Дубае. Человек, который меняет не только форму тела, но и образ мыслей каждого, кто попадает в ее школу. Бесконечный энтузиазм и полная отдача энергии своим ученикам во время тренировок, позволяют ее великолепно выглядеть и прекрасно себя чувствовать.

Именно такой человек нужен был мне для того, чтобы, наконец, продолжить  более усердно свои упражнения, а не

откладывать на мистическое завтра.














“Моя жизнь перевернулась с ног на голову, и я об этом не жалею!”

Натуральный бодибилдинг-уникальный вид спорта, который позволяет сформировать идеальную фигуру тела в течение длительного периода времени и увеличить мышечную массу, не прибегая к фармакологическим препаратам – один из самых востребованных классов в школе Fitness Fusion.

Если я начала что-то делать, то необходимо чтобы это было идеально! – подумала я и согласилась на серию уроков по новому для меня виду тренировок. В течение уже первых месяцев произошли чудеса. Мое тело изменилось немыслимым образом –  небывалое формирование рельефа тела, о котором ты даже не подозревал, неописуемое ощущение жизненного тонуса и исключительно позитивного настроя в жизни.
















Конкурс по натуральному бодибилдингу Natural Bodybuilding Fitness Middle East Championship  , организованный INBA (International Natural Bodybuilding Association ), стал моим первым в жизни соревнованием в этом виде спорта.

4 месяца каждодневных трехчасовых тренировок, строжайшее сбалансированное питание, абсолютное исполнение каждого из заданий тренера, полная концентрация на правильности выполнения каждого упражнения – все это и несоизмеримое желание доказать себе, что ты можешь, принесли мне неожиданную первую победу и бронзовую медаль по натуральному бодибилдингу на Ближнем Востоке.

Моей радости не было предела и осознания того, что однажды в жизни ты можешь оказаться в месте, которое ты даже не мог вообразить с медалью на шее. Все призеры получили восхищение и овации в триумфальный момент. Тогда я поняла,  для незабываемого момента победы в спорте, тебе нужен твой зритель, твой болельщик, который поддержит тебя с криками “Молодец!”

Именно этого, к сожалению, мне не довелось испытать здесь в Дубае и почувствовать ту самую гордость за свою Родину за рубежом. Мне хотелось кричать на весь зал “Я выиграла, но никто бы меня не понял”, но на трибунах говорили совершенно на других языках.

Я очень надеюсь увидеть соотечественников в на грядущем чемпионате, чтобы разделить с ними желание и стремление наших стран быть лучшими.

13 июня пройдет мировой чемпионат по натуральному бодибилдингу в Дубае  Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Expo 2015 в Dubai Sports City , где в категории дива бикини, наша Юна будет бороться я за звание быть лучшей. 

Газета Bez Posrednikov готовиться не только к победе, но и к возможным сюрпризам  желающих поддержать Юну в ее не только спортивном, но и жизненном подвиге.

“У меня есть абсолютная цель и я иду вперед, чтобы ее достигнуть. Поэтому в октябре 2015 я еду в Калифорнию, чтобы принять участие в мировом конкурсе Musclemania, где я могу быть так близко к своей  мечте - стать чемпионкой мира по бодибилдингу.”

“Главное, чтобы мечта была ”- говорит Юна.



J.Louise Molloy

"BURN  BABY BURN" ........The aptly named song by Tina Turner came to mind during my work out with my personal trainer, Elena, this morning, but instead of disco inferno it was more like Legs and Bottom Inferno!!!!!

Today was the day of mind over matter and pushing my muscles to the ultimate limit, the maximum they would go until they would totally give out on me. OUCH!!!!

The content of my work out this morning was full on lower body and I mean full on, with a little surprise Elena had added in for good measure (she is so kind, Ha! Ha!)

Sumo squats with 20kg,
General squats with 20kg
Leg Extensions with 60Ib
Leg Curls with 60Ib
Walking Lunges with 10kg
Leg Press with Elena's surprise thrown in.

Would you believe me, if I told you that I felt absolutely brilliant at the end, exhausted, yes,  legs like jelly, yes, but I was exhilarated! It is amazing when you have someone that pushes you, encourages you along, even when you feel that you can't give anything more, but yet, we end up surprising ourselves at what we can do.

Elena is my inspiration, my mentor. She has given me the confidence, strength, and a body that I see transforming everyday. I feel brilliant!

See you Thursday, to do it all over again :)

Louise Molloy

Suesan Stevens


I have lost 7kg and a couple of dress sizes over 9 months with Elena, who has trained me 3 times a week for that length of time. She comes to my house at 7 am and we either work out in the gym, outside (when the weather is good) or occasionally in the pool. I pay 9500 AED for 40 sessions. Hope that gives you some idea on timescales / costs? I love my six pack!!

PS Although I could if I wanted to, I most definitely don't wear hotpants!!!


Suesan Stevens

Bassam Shurafa

Elena is an excellent trainer , who is passionate about her career. Elena render high quality training, during which tended to research and engaging new techniques, her techniques give the body a nice  and uniform look.


Thanks Elena



By Bassam Shurafa

client's achievement

James Dulis

  I lost 54 kg in a few months. Anyone can do it with a little determination.

Strange but true, at the age of 48 I am in the best shape I have ever been. I have dropped from 132 kg to my current weight of 78 kg, a 54 kg reduction, in a matter of months and am feeling great. Many of my colleagues and friends ask me how I did it, so when I saw the fitness site, I decided to share my story to help inspire others. 

What motivated me? Well, I guess I was sick and tired of being sick and tired! Overweight and out of breath all the time, I absolutely had to do something about it. 

How did it happen? It all started in July last year when my wife (Elena Efimova,who is a professional personal trainer ) and I were on vacation in Russia. I told Elena , "I want to get back in shape, I am ashamed having to buy size 48 and 49 pants." Elena was my first big supporter and motivator. With her help, once we got back to Dubai, I started a very rigorous workout plan and cardio plan along with a proper diet. I told myself: "This is for me and no one else". I plan my day around my training and make my work outs a priority. 

Here are some thoughts that keep me motivated before and during my work outs:

The worst training day is the day you missed (This gets me to the gym when I don't feel like it.) 
No pain, no gain (Keeps me going during a hard work out) 
I may not be the strongest or the best, but I always do my best (when I am not having an optimal training day) 
Every time I train, I am one step closer to my goal (During training when in a low spell) 
Pain is a sign of weakness leaving the body (Motivates for me during a heavy workout)
Here is how I got started:

While on vacation my wife started me on a balanced diet with general exercise every other day. Light weight full body workout with a 1 km walk/jog. During the 30-day vacation, I lost around 17 kg already. 
Six months of hard work..( build,burn,endurance program ) 45min to one hour, cardio (stepper, cross trainer, spinning, running, weight training ). She mix it up to keep it interesting, and then abs, abs, abs! 
Currently I have starting to build muscle , not too much, just enough, heavy weight low reps, then 30 min 45 in cardio (stepper, cross trainer, spinning, running).
You have to mix up your routines every six to eight weeks to shock your system as your muscles acquire a memory and you start to plateau.

I feel like I am 25 again and feel just great. Like me, get your personal trainer,do it for yourself and no one else. 


By James Joseph Dulis

Pratik  Patkar

Training with Elena Efimova was my first ever personal fitness training experience. Having trained with her for over 10 hours, there are more than a few points that I would like to cover in my feedback.


  • First of all, I believe that the vast amount of knowledge Elena possesses in the fields of fitness, nutrition, health and wellness is second to none. Although she is extremely resourceful in the above mentioned fields, she always made sure that the information was given in bits and pieces and at the appropriate time (during exercise breaks)

  • It was a pleasure working with a fitness trainer who didn’t keep looking at her wrist-watch and hopped in her car once the 60 minutes were up. Elena would always have ample amount of time to resolve my queries after our fitness session

  • The daily goals set by Elena were realistic – challenging but not impossible to achieve, which gave me a sense of jubilation when I managed to achieve some of them. The sessions were always motivational and the pep-talk that Elena would give me would always push me to go beyond my limits. At the same time, Elena would also make sure that I am not doing any damage to myself by regularly monitoring my pulse rate and enquiring about my state of health (whether I was feeling dizzy or having any cramps)

  • One aspect of Elena’s fitness sessions I found extremely interesting was that she actually taught me how to walk, talk, run, eat, breath and sleep. Although, these aspcts might initially seem very basic, elementary and unrelated to any exercise routine; this information has actually changed the way I think, behave and do things in my life. This is the reason I don’t think of Elena as a fitness instructor but as a “life guru”. In her company, one would always feel as if he were in a zone filled with positive energy.

  • Since I had been diagnosed with osteoporosis, I always wondered what the training sessions would be like since we won’t be using any weights. I found Elena’s training technique quite unique and extremely effective. It was a very good mix of strength, stamina, endurance, flexibility, balance and speed. Never in my wildest dreams I would had thought that 10 hours of training session could be done without entering the gym! Her technique of changing surfaces (asphalt road, sand and shallow sea water) for doing exercises is an absolute winner!

  • Elena has a very friendly nature and easy-to-get-along-with attitude which is a sharp contradiction to her military background. After going through her resume I did feel a little intimidated but all that was forgotten after my first meeting with her. She is a friend and a mentor.

  • It was a lot of fun to work with a fitness educator and life guru who was willing to share all her knowledge and experience with me. My overall experience with Elena has been fantastic and I truly feel motivated and driven to take care of my body, mind and soul. I wish both Elena and Fitness Fusion all the very best and the next time I come to Dubai I would definitely book a personal training session with you guys well in advance.

  • As a humble suggestion - it would be great if FITNESS FUSION could think of a small memento / certificate to be given to all the trainees once they finish their course. It would serve as a reminder that one can always achieve the fitness level one wants to.


       I just had to make sure that I was being assigned the right trainer and today I can confidently say that I was assigned the best trainer there is –          Elena Efimova! 





Юлия Титова 

Елена - лучший тренер!!! Внимательная, опытная, образованная. С первого занятия было видно, что она очень ответственно, скурпулезно подходит к своим клиентам. Очень профессиональный подход к тренировкам, основанный как и на собственном опыте, так и на глубоких знаниях человеческой физиологии (костного, мышечного строения, метаболических процессов). Прояснит все тонкости каждого упражнения, ответит на любой вопрос, касающийся спорта ( и не только). Грамотно подобрала программу тренировок, постоянно консультирует по линии питания. А как поднимает боевой дух!!!!! Приятно было видеть как тело начало изменяться уже через месяц тренировок, стала вырисовываться талия, ножки, ручки)))) вес пошел вниз. Появилось больше энергии! Тело стало более стройным! Словом, Елена - это тренер на вес золота!!! Занималась, занимаюсь и буду заниматься только с ней!



Юлия Титова

Sarah Azhar

Elena hands down, the best trainer I ever had.


I am fairly new among your several clients and Im FAT but now that I'm under your shadow I am so eleconfident that soon i will be able to put Before n After pictures on your web site..


As a trainer, you are sincere about how you work with people, you always remember to focus on what their issues are and what is the best way to work with each individual. You’ve helped me become stronger, firmer and to decrease pain in all areas.


You are considerate and have a personality that makes people feel at ease. All of that to say, I think its these attributes that makes me and Im sure your other clients continue to want you for their trainer.


You are the best.



Sarah Azhar

Mona Faisal Al Gurg

I have been training with Elena for just over a year now with great results. For 10 years I practiced several martial arts but sadly had to stop due to injuries. After a couple of years of not much exercise, it was a challenge for me to find someone that was knowledgeable enough to know what I could and could not do due to my spinal injuries. Elena was not only able to provide me that but also was extremely attentive during all workouts helping me get a very customized program to achieve my desired results. She has helped me regain my stamina and endurance as well as build strength. Her knowledge of both anatomy and experience in the gym made it easy for her to help me strengthen the specific muscles I required alongside avoiding injuries. Over the past year I have learned so much from Elena about physical fitness and have grown stronger, eaten healthier, and best of all got rid of all the constant pains I had due to previous injuries!




I'm attending  Elena's training  sessions since Nov13 and very satisfied with the results.

I am pleased to confirm that Elena is very professional and knows exactly what needed in order to create a special program. Elena's training are different every time so you never feel bored.

 In addition to all her professional atributes, she is also a lovely person and I really enjoy our classes, the only regret we have no time for some chat :-)I can highly recommend  Elena as a professional trainer with no hesitation.



After a year of maternity leave where I gained weight and I was not motivated enough to exercise, I have chose Elena to get me back in shape because I’m confident that she can do it. I worked with a number of personal trainers before but I am enjoying the most with Elena. She is unique and different in many ways. Her passion about fitness and healthy life is infectious and plays a major role in motivating me. Elena’s strengths don’t lie only on her mastery of the workout techniques but also in creating such a positive atmosphere for the mind and the body to get ready for the physical work. Elena listens to my questions and gives me always valid and logical answers that convinces me. Whenever I complain about the hard work, she will patiently explain the purpose of doing each movement and the science behind it, something I appreciate as it helps motivating me significantly. Her easy going, friendly personality makes it fun to work with her. She challenges me to push past my perceived limits to get results but in the same time she understands my knee problems and I feel safe with her. Elena is incredibly smart and I love working with her.


Ranis Anis.

Rania Anis

Vince McCulloch


client's achievement

The tough part is getting started..


I hope I am not being forward when I consider Elena a friend even before I started this journey, there could never be any doubt amongst our circle of friends of Elena’s profession, of which most, if not all of us are in awe of her physique and the self-discipline it takes to maintain the accompanying lifestyle. In 2013 my lifestyle could not be more different, poor diet, too much time in the pub, yes I had gym membership, but spending too much money on doing no real work with no clue or focus made my weight increase slowly, I had become, without knowing it, lethargic, lazy and lacking in energy.


With prompting from my wife I discussed personal training with Elena and agreed to start at some point! Six months later I was still delaying the start. Then, after seeing some photographs of me taken at a pool, I knew enough was enough and I had to do something. I made a firm commitment to Elena, and we started….


On my way to my very first session I was very nervous, I did not know what to expect. On arrival Elena was waiting for me, we discussed my goals, what I hoped to achieve from the training, what I could expect to get out of it and more importantly what Elena expected of me. A complete lifestyle change…no more junk food, and no alcohol. Without this fundamental commitment I would be wasting both Elena’s and my own time. I agreed to all of it.


Our schedule was set at four sessions a week, to be strictly adhered to, no excuses, no ‘no-shows’ and stick to the diet. The first week was very hard, the second week was even harder, but with the encouragement and great instruction from Elena, I got through it, some days my muscles were so sore I would not bend down to tie my shoe laces!  At this point I would have normally given up and gone back to my old ways, now this part is difficult to explain, but I felt as if I owed it to Elena to push on, giving up would let her down and I could not do that. By week three I was really starting to enjoy the sessions, I felt much better, still very tired but sleeping really well, eating sensibly was also starting to pay off, I cannot emphasize enough how good I was starting to feel.  As the weeks passed the improvements continued, the weight targets were met and whereas at first my friends would joke about my training, they were now asking questions and interested in doing something themselves.


Six months on I am still training, I am still careful with what I eat, don’t get me wrong there are times when I do eat junk food, but to be honest I don’t enjoy it. The one constant is Elena and the training, every session brings new challenges, every session I am pushed, some of it I enjoy less than others, for example sit ups and crunches…but I know that each session we will end with this exercise, I always complain, Elena always gives me that knowing smile and I do them anyway, on completion feel better for it..


Along with my gym work I am now into cycling and with Elena’s support recently completed the Spinneys 92 in a time I would never thought possible six months ago. Elena and her husband James even took the time to cheer me on during the buildup rides, which I greatly appreciate.


To summarize, the most difficult part is making the commitment, once the commitment is made Elena will deliver the results. I really enjoy my training sessions which I could not do it on my own, Elena creates bespoke program's so anyone regardless of age or condition can make real personal achievements. I can honestly say, I cannot think of any time when I have felt better. For this I thank Elena and I will keep training with you as long as I reside in the UAE.


Vince McCulloch



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